As we have learned in class, colors can take on so many meanings. From a marketing point of view the choice of colors play into emotions that encourage people to buy. For this blog choose from the following products and discuss the colors you would use in the design of the packaging of the product. Include in your discussion why you chose the colors. Products: A new line of sour candy; Fast food french fries, Lipstick, Chewing gum, Energy Drink.
Respond to your classmates in agreement or disagreement of their choices. Your post plus at least 2 responses are due Friday, September 11, 2009 by 11:59 pm
9/9/2009 12:31:37 am

for lipstick, i would make the package orange because it gives off the feeling of lust and warmth, which might make women want to buy it more. i would also use either a pink or red for the design or words on the front of the package because those are the most colors of lipsticks, which would contrast nicely with the orange (:

9/9/2009 12:32:12 am

A new line of sour candy:
for a new line of sour candy i would use very bright colors such as red yellow or blue to attract the attention of kids and to signify the taste through the colors.

Fast food french fries:
for fast food french fries i would use the colors yellow or red because these trigger hunger the most. such as Mcdonalds.

9/9/2009 12:32:24 am

I am going to design a french fry box. I will use the color yellow in my product becasue it makes you want to eat. I would also use the color purple becasue it makes peolpe feel more happy and in a better mood. Those are the colors I would use to design a french fry box.

9/9/2009 12:32:51 am

Chewing gum
The colors i would use are

black- for being a rebel because chewing gum is not a loud at school so people will feel like a rebel eating it.

red- it will make you want to eat something so you will want something to chew something.

yellow or orange- easy to spot in a bookbag or purse

9/9/2009 12:33:27 am

I choose the ENERGY DRINK!!!!! For the design you could use red (casue it has energy) and you could swirl it with orange (becasue sugar high may make people hyper and crazy). AND WE ALL KNOW HOW RED BULL GIVES YOU WINGS!! YEAH!!!

9/9/2009 12:33:34 am

I would market french fries with a golden color. Not yellow like McDonald's, but a metallic gold. And the company's name would be in white. I would use these colors because they are attractive. Gold gives a feeling of fortune, while white gives a feeling of cleanliness.

9/9/2009 12:33:46 am

why billy?!

9/9/2009 12:33:53 am


colin P
9/9/2009 12:34:13 am

Energy drink- if i made an enrgy drink i would make the packaging for it red and use yellow lighting because red makes you hungry and yellow lightning would make people feel energetic and would make people feel like its good for them

9/9/2009 12:35:12 am

I like Molly's idea for the lipstick. It made me chuckle to read it. The color combination also sounds nice.
I also like Burley's idea for the sour candy because kids do love bright colors.

9/9/2009 12:35:21 am

Sour candy
I would use many different colors to attract kids attention so they would buy my product. Red becvause it attract attention with yellow because it makes you hungry.

9/9/2009 12:36:13 am

i like
molly's it would be a greeat idea because pink is a girly color and will sell well, and red and orange do go well together.

burley i like the sour candy box, but why blue?

9/9/2009 12:36:20 am

I would make multicolored French Fries similar to the different kinds of ketchup which used to be sold. People would by it for the novelty, and it would drive sales up.

9/9/2009 12:36:35 am

If I was going to advertise for an energy drink then I would pick the color orange for the graphics on the can to catch the persons eye. Then the lettering on the can would be red because it makes you want the drink. The actual drink color would be purple because it symbolizes royalty and my drink is royal.

9/9/2009 12:37:04 am

Molly's is funny I like her comment on lipstick that it makes you wamr, but if the lipstick is red it brings lust.

9/9/2009 12:37:38 am

i like the yellow for gum packaging and same with black because it gives a feeling of sophistication.
the red and yellow for an energy drink just reminds me of mcdonald's.

9/9/2009 12:38:54 am

hokay I use a bright green for the sour candy because it looks like a sour color. really would anything else work?? I picked red for the fries because it stimulates the appetite, plus it goes well with fries. lipstick is pretty much always red, so red (or black) packaging for lipstick would make sense. I picked bright yellow for the gum because it looks good with gum.

9/9/2009 12:38:59 am

I would have to agree with Colin about the energy drink. Red does make you hungry and the yellow would make you feel energetic. It would make you want to drink it. I also agree with Rode about chewing gum because those colors will get the attraction of many people.

9/9/2009 12:39:31 am

Dylan, how could you advertise that product to animals? They are unable to buy the products. Do you mean to adveritse for their owners?

9/9/2009 12:41:26 am

I agree with Massimo that people would buy his fries for their novelty, but just like green ketchup, people will soon loose intrest and noone will buy them anymore:]

9/9/2009 12:44:00 am

Tanya, actually its orange that is for lust, red is for cupid like love.

9/9/2009 12:48:46 am

Hey, i liked megans!!!

9/9/2009 12:50:23 am



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