Individual Student Projects

We have learned so much in Computer Math class this term. Now it's time for you to put together all your knowledge and develop a project that interests you! What have you always wanted to know more about? What are you passionate about? What could you investigate and discover?


Investigate new online tools
Choose a question to answer, or something to investigate (involving MATH)
Develop a rubric to determine success
Complete project using online tools
Present Project to class


Timeline and Assessment

Day 1 (May 3): Investigate online tools: Choose at least 5 tools and investigate how they are used. Write your review of the tools in a blog post here  Weebly blog not working??? (which does require a gmail or aim or other account types to comment)
Day 2 (May 4): Develop a problem, question, or line of investigation involving math. Submit your project request to Mrs. Weser by the middle of class. Include in your project request the tool(s) that you will be using to complete your task. Once your project idea has been approved, develop a rubric for your project. You may choose to develop the rubric using the rubistar website or you may create it on your own. More details about the rubric will be given in class. Find more info about RUBRICS here.
Day 3 (May 5): Revise project plan/rubric. Begin working on your project
Day 4 (May 6): Continue working on your project
Day 5 (May 7): Complete working on your project and develop a presenation about your project for the class ** If more time is needed for project development, the timeline can be shifted**
Day 6 (May 10): Presentations
Day 7 (if needed-May 11): Presentations